Community Lunch
Our ministry provides lunch for people in the community every Tuesday. We desire to change lives by showing God’s love through hospitality and encouraging our community through making and being friends.
Our ministry provides lunch for people in the community every Tuesday. We desire to change lives by showing God’s love through hospitality and encouraging our community through making and being friends.
Hand in Hand is a ministry for expecting mom or a mom of children birth through 1st grade. Experienced moms partner with young moms in mentoring groups based on building authentic, meaningful relationships.
Heart to Heart seeks to glorify God by providing support for women in crisis or in highly stressful situations. As a small group, we strive to connect with each other in order to be a support in times of need. Through our interaction in class, as...
The Ladies Bible Class Ministry at Altamesa serves to provide a safe and nurturing place for women of all ages who would like to study God’s word and share experiences.
Neighborhood Needs has been providing food free of charge in Southwest Fort Worth since 1995. We are effective in what we do because of the generous support of people like you who choose to share time and resources.
Our ministry prayerfully provides members of the Altamesa Church of Christ, their families and circle of influence, grief support through handmade prayer shawls and lap quilts. This ministry is patterned after the ministry as described at...
Threads of Love provides clothing, blankets and other handmade articles to area hospital NICUs to serve the needs of tiny premature and sick infants and provide comfort for their parents.
Through a collective heart for worshiping God, our worship ministry leads the way in connecting our church to one another and to the Lord when we gather together as a church family.